The icon is slightly curved, and worn in the upper part. The mounted Saint is thrusting his spear into the open mouth of the winged dragon, which is lying supine, twining its tail around the horse's back leg. He is dressed in military costume, and is wearing a metal breastplate, a blue tunic, a red cloak spreading out behind and clasped on the breast, and greaves. A long sword is hanging from his waist. His mount, decked out with rich fittings, is galloping towards the right, in accordance with the Western model. On the horse's rump the diminutive figure of George, a slave from Mytilene, is sitting, holding a vessel and a towel. Two triangular rocks flank the figure of the Saint. On the gold background, the inscription: Ο Α(ΓΙΟC) (ΜΕΓΑ)ΛΟΜΑΡTHC ΚΑΙ ΤΡΟΠΑΙΟΦΟ(ΟΡΟC) (ΓΕΩΡΓΙ)OC [The great martyr and victor St George]. The icon is in a carved wooden frame of the 17th - 18th century, adorned with full-length angels, the symbols of the Evangelists, and cherubs in high relief. The scene represents the iconographic type of the dragon-slaying Saint which was created in the Cretan workshops of the 15th century. The painter, Angelos, renewed the established iconography, introducing new details in the depiction of the horse, which he borrowed from italian models created by Paolo Veneziano.